Tuesday, March 21, 2023

What is due this week?

 Hi Everyone,

For this first week....

-Join the blog and post a hello and selfie

-Set up your Google Drive folder and share it with me using jnevins@albertus.edu

-Download and install Photoshop

-Try to get three projects done and post 1 or 2 images here on the blog... put 6-10 in your Google Drive folder for each project.

-Label each project 1.1, 1.2, 2.1,2.2, etc....

I will take attendance on Sunday and comment on your work then as well.  The deadline each Sunday is at noon.... 

Attendance is taken once per week on Sunday at noon.  I will count 2 attendance records each week on Sunday.  I need to see work posted here on the blog and to your Google Drive folder for you to be considered present.

I will comment on each post here on the blog and that will serve as ongoing feedback.

Please email me with any questions or concerns!

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