Thursday, March 30, 2023

Project 3


Project 2


Project 1



Hi everyone! My name is Alexis, but I go by Lexi. This post is a little late because blogger wouldn't let me make an account for a few days, but it worked! I am a sophomore at Albertus and I am taking this class as one of my requirements, but also because I think that photoshop is fun and Mr. Nevins is a great professor!!

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Project 1



My name is Dave, and in my senior year at Albertus Magnus.  I am a criminal justice major and a police officer in Massachusetts.  I served in the Marine Corps from 2008 to 2012 as a machine gunner.  I am also a licensed electrician but decided to switch careers.  I have no experience with Photoshop, but I am excited to learn how to use it. 

Project one


Project 1

 I am completely clueless when it comes to art so this course will be difficult for me. Project 2 is proving to be a challenge for me because personally I do better with written instructions versus videos. I will do my best to complete Project 2.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023


Hello all, my name is Dar'Ron and i am a senior here. This is my last MOD. I am a sociology major and minoring in criminal justice and communications. I am not creative but hopefully this course will unlock some creative genes that have been sleeping. 

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

What is due this week?

 Hi Everyone,

For this first week....

-Join the blog and post a hello and selfie

-Set up your Google Drive folder and share it with me using

-Download and install Photoshop

-Try to get three projects done and post 1 or 2 images here on the blog... put 6-10 in your Google Drive folder for each project.

-Label each project 1.1, 1.2, 2.1,2.2, etc....

I will take attendance on Sunday and comment on your work then as well.  The deadline each Sunday is at noon.... 

Attendance is taken once per week on Sunday at noon.  I will count 2 attendance records each week on Sunday.  I need to see work posted here on the blog and to your Google Drive folder for you to be considered present.

I will comment on each post here on the blog and that will serve as ongoing feedback.

Please email me with any questions or concerns!


 Hello all! I'm Robert, a senior here at Albertus. I am a criminal justice major and this is my first time taking a design class and it being online seems to be different. 



Hi everyone, my name is Alexandra and I am a junior at Albertus. I play lacrosse and field hockey here and I am majoring in Public Health. I am very excited to to start this course and be able to create some work! 

Monday, March 20, 2023

Intro to 2D design


Hello Everyone my name is Brandon. I am a sophomore at Albertus and I am proceeding a major in photography as well as a minor in CIS. This is my first time taking a design class and I can't wait to get started. 


 Hello Everyone,

My name is Jackie. This is my first online class Aswell as first year at Albertus. I work in the aerospace industry so I am very excited to take this class. Looking forward to working with you all.


 Hello class. My name is Iyanah and this is my first year at Albertus. Im majoring in education. I currently am learning to play the guitar. As that happens, this class fits perfectly around my lessons and busy life. I look forward to this 2D design class. 


 Hello everyone. My name Is Jessica and this is my first year at Albertus. I am majoring in health management. Currently, I work for the regional water authority which I absolutely love. As a single mom of three children Albertus fits perfectly into my hectic schedule. I look forward to learning more about art with this course and meeting new people. 

Thursday, March 16, 2023

 Hi Everyone,

Class starts on Monday....This class is online and asynchronous... that is, you will work on your own and get your work done independently. We have 8 weeks to complete 24 projects or 3 per week.

I don't use elearning for your portfolios but instead, Google Drive.  Take a look at this video of the projects we did in the Fall semester.  This first video covers 1/2 of the class, part 2 on your Syllabus covers the second half.

Link to Syllabus:

The college is making Photoshop available to you for this class and can be downloaded at Adobe. Here are the instructions on the syllabus:

Download and install Photoshop. It is made available to you as part of your online class. Do this:

1) Go to
2) Type your Albertus email address under where it says sign in. Click Continue.
3) It will redirect you to the Albertus sign in portal. Sign in like you normally do.
4) Scroll down the page until you see "creative cloud." Click download.
5) Go through the installation process. and then download photoshop through the creative cloud application on your desktop.

Patrick in IT tells me that he will have your names in the Adobe database by 1 pm today.  (March 16)

Read through the syllabus, follow the links.  

Join the class blog, post your 2 best pieces from each project there. I comment on each post.  

First thing, post a brief bio introduction and a selfie to the blog. Next set up your google drive and share it with me.  Class revolves around this blog.  Attendance will be taken from it.

Email me with any questions!